Is Coinstash a registered cryptocurrency exchange?
Is Coinstash a registered cryptocurrency exchange?
Yes. Coinstash is a registered cryptocurrency exchange based in Australia. It operates under the regulations set by the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC), the government agency responsible for regulating and overseeing financial transactions, including cryptocurrency exchanges, in Australia.
Coinstash (TWMT Pty Ltd) is a digital currency exchange registered with AUSTRAC under registration number DCE100575420-001.
Coinstash AU is the business name of TWMT Pty Ltd, ABN 76 621 581 584, ACN 621 581 584.
Coinstash also exercises control over and is the sole owner of Brindabella Investment Group Pty Ltd (Brindabella). Brindabella holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL No. 510735). It's important to note that no products or services are currently being delivered under Brindabella's AFSL.
Updated on: 13/08/2023
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