How do I Swap Crypto to Crypto?
In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps of how to perform a successful coin-to-coin swap on Coinstash.
Once logged in, you'll see a list of available cryptocurrencies. Select the cryptocurrency you wish to swap.
Look for the "Swap" option and tap on it.
Specify the amount of cryptocurrency you'd like to trade and choose the cryptocurrency you want to exchange it for in the coin-to-coin swapping process.. Hit "Preview Swap" to check the details of your trade.
Double-check the trade details, including the cryptocurrency and amount. Swipe to confirm the swap to initiate the transaction.
Once the swap is successful, you'll receive a confirmation within the app.
Once logged in, you'll see a list of available cryptocurrencies. Select the cryptocurrency you wish to swap.
Look for the "Swap" option and tap on it.
Specify the amount of cryptocurrency you'd like to trade and choose the cryptocurrency you want to exchange it for in the coin-to-coin swapping process.. Hit "Preview Swap" to check the details of your trade.
Double-check the trade details, including the cryptocurrency and amount. Swipe to confirm the swap to initiate the transaction.
Once the swap is successful, you'll receive a confirmation within the app.
Updated on: 09/08/2023
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