Are the Account Statements audited?
Are the Account Statements audited?
Your Account Statement is audited by Hall Chadwick Melbourne. Hall Chadwick is one of the largest accounting groups in Australia. We are committed to providing you with confidence that your assets are protected, safe and correctly accounted for.
The audit confirms the following:
Our internal controls and accounting procedures for preparing annual account statements were carefully reviewed and found to be effective, in all material respects. This means that all annual Account Statements provided to clients for the year ending 30 June 2024 were issued without material errors.
Additionally, the audit confirmed that the client assets were reasonably reconciled as of 30 June 2024. This reconciliation process was independently reviewed.
You can view the full audit opinion here
Did you know?
Coinstash (TWMT Pty Ltd), as a company, is independently audited and lodges financial reports with ASIC? We have lodged audited financial statements with ASIC since 2022 and they can be found in our Shareholder Resources section of the helpdesk.
Updated on: 04/11/2024
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